Friday, September 18, 2015

My Photography of Lake Tahoe


As I sit by the lake, which is missing all of its people due to the insane wind, I'm reflecting on our trip.  This is our 2 year anniversary trip, its become our thing to go on some kind of trip for our anniversary.  Our first year we drove to Vegas for the weekend.  Sadly we started on the wrong foot.  Husband got a cold the morning we left and felt like crap for most of the trip.  But we did recover and get out and see the whole lake.

The first night at Lake Tahoe we walked down to the water, it was so windy we felt like we were at the Ocean.  When we showed up at Lake Tahoe we were in tanks and shorts and it was COLD, funnily enough that's about the same amount of clothes we have on now.  I was hopping to do some swimming, my version of swimming today is my calf's in the water.

One of the days we drove around the lake.  Which to our surprise didn't take as long as we figured.  I was pretty amazed at how many places there was to stop along the road and go hiking, most of the road is very skinny.  At one point the road runs along the ridge of the mountain with Lake Tahoe on one side and lake Cascade on the other.  I was driving when we came up on that and it took my brain a few minutes to understand what was going on.  Sadly I didn't get a picture of it, other than the one in my head.

Maybe some day we will even buy one of the beautiful homes that are around the lake.  If you haven't been to lake Tahoe I would suggest it be on your travel list.

Have you been to Lake Tahoe? If you have, show us your pictures or share the stories you have.  I'm always interested in what you have to say.