Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Photo Paint Collage

For me there is something I love about painting.  In college I had to take painting classes but was never any good at it or liked those classes.  Maybe I like the idea of being able to paint, does it make me more of an artist.

No matter the reason I always have some kind of painting set up to work on.  I still have my old paintings from school, always with the intention to add to them so I will like them.  Right now I'm working on a contest that a large part will be painted.

A few years ago I had taken some photos of my self trying to convey the feelings I had at that time in my life.  I don't remember having any kind of display plan for the pictures.  As soon as I had the photos in hand I knew how I wanted them displayed.  That was when I "created" the "Photo Painting."

This is a simple project to put together
Start with a canvas
Pick the photos you want to use
Get a rough idea of where the pics will go on the canvas
Tape or glue the photos into place
Start painting

In some cases I have painted parts of the canvas before placing the pictures down with glue.  When I do this I make a mark for where the picture will be (draw around the picture with a pencil).

If you didn't paint a clean line around the edge of the canvas you'll have an unfinished edge, I would suggest you pick a color from the painting or black and paint the edge of the canvas.  This will make it look finished.

Unclean edge

 Not everything on the canvas has to be a photo. This craft is all about having a good time and showcasing your photography.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Photography weekend #2

Its that time again, time to get out and take photos for a whole weekend.  I yet again have a goal of filling one card on the camera.  This trip is with my husband, our dog, and my parents dog (they are soaking up the sun and sand, lucky birds).  We are going to Cascade, which is the same place as last time.  Other than filling a card I am going to test out some new equipment I got; a bag and a remote trigger.

Let me tell you about the bag.  It was great for a hike; I could carry a bottle of water, my camera, a second lens, and my cell phone.  Plus there was still space left.  Normally when I'm out with my camera its out and over one shoulder while the camera bag is on the other shoulder.  By the end of the day I am in pain, this bag was very easy to slip the camera into and out of.  This bag will be going with me whenever I travel.

I was very worried about the remote trigger I got.  It just seamed to simple to work the it was supposed to.  But it did, all I had to do was read how to connect it with the camera and bam it worked.  It was great for taking star pictures, my finger didn't get tired from holding a button down.

It was a great weekend.  We attempted to see the northern lights, watched BSU football, took the dogs on a hike, and soaked up some campfire.

If you missed the first photo weekend check it out here!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My day job

Since I'm a photographer my work has utilized this for some of the projects around the office.  I've taken the employee of the year head-shot and a head-shot to announce the new president.  My most recent project is for the owner, we are making her a scrapbook (shh its a surprise).  At her retirement party she gave all of us a pair of shoes that had been personally personalized.  Its a great idea, that I may use in the future.

My job was to take a head-shot of everyone holding their shoes.  I did this over the course of a couple of weeks at varying times of day.  I decided to take them all in the same place, which made the lighting only a small challenge.  Having everyone in the same place means the light was mostly the same with the artificial light but the outside light would change through out the day. If you have some kind of project like this take one day to watch the light in the location you're thinking of taking the photos.  Watching for a whole day lets you know if the light will be ok or if there is a time that its a harsher light.

It was a fun project, that I think turned out great!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Unofficial end of Summer

Well we finished out the unofficial end of summer nice and strong.  In the last two weeks of August I "officiated" my parents vow renewal, we threw a 60th anniversary party for my grandparents and my husband and I celebrated our one year anniversary.

The vow renewal was for their 10 year anniversary.  I got to do the ceremony, which was nerve racking until I started.  The other task I was in charge of was the photos.  Now you may think, "she can't do both of those at once."  You'd be right, my husband took the pictures during the ceremony and I did the rest.  He did a great job.

The 60th anniversary party was a great time.  There was family there I hadnt seen in a long time.  My job at that party was the photos and getting people to make a scrapbook page with their photo.  My dad made a picture frame for me to use as a prop.  This is a great prop for a party or wedding, add some dress up items and let your guests have a fun time.

After all that fun (which happened in the same week) was our 1st anniversary.  Months ago we had started talking about taking a trip and where we wanted to go.  Well it didn't happen, so the Monday before our anniversary we finally booked a trip.  We decided on Vegas!  We explored, tried to relax at the pool and drove a lot.  It was nice to get away and we had a fun One year anniversary.

It was a very fast end to August, full of family fun.  Now its time for football season!