Monday, August 25, 2014

Would rather be there

With summer coming to a close, there are a few places I'd rather be then at home.  Enjoy!!

Where would you like to be?

Friday, August 22, 2014

5: PRB- Shooting with the sun to your back

               Now that you've read about taking photos in the morning and evening lets talk about the direction of the sun.  Its morning and the sun is rising, it’s the perfect light, now all you need is the correct angle.  So you turn your back to the sun and take the shot.  But what would happen if you switched sides and were facing the sun?  This is our last rule to break.  

               In most conditions its best to have your back to the sun but on occasion turn around and face the sun.  Putting the subject between you and the sun.  Here are some things to think about when you’re out taking photos:
-       Exposure, exposure, exposure; Since you’re facing the sun think about how much light the lens is taking in and adjust.
-       Think about where the sun is at in the photo, you might want sun flares but if not be on the look out for them
-       This is not just a morning thing, the evening will work too; so go experiment

If you missed any of the other rules here is a link back to the beginning.  

Looking forward to seeing your work soon!

Monday, August 18, 2014

What to wear to a photo shoot and why

Its the time time of year when everyone is getting ready for their family photos.  The leaves are starting to change and the weather is cooling down.  There are also still weddings and you'll want to look good for those pictures too.

When deciding what to wear to any kind of photography event think about the ideas I've laid out here.

Pick an outfit that is flattering.  If you feel good in it you'll look good too.

Choose solid colors that are muted, this makes you the subject and not the clothes.

Pick similar tones for your top and bottom (dark or light for top or bottom).  If you put dark on the top and light on the bottom it will look larger, the same thing works for light on the top.

Choose 3/4 sleeves and longer skirts and pants, covering up more of the skin allows the focus to be your face.

Choose shoes that match and are darker, bright shoes will stick out and pull focus from your face.

Stick to your everyday hair and make-up, having something fancier than you're use to could feel awkward.

When at a wedding (knowing you'll be in family photos) think about the wedding parties colors and dress to match that.

The biggest key is to blend together (that's not saying you'll all look exactly alike, we are all individual people).

Do you have tips on clothing items to wear to a photo shoot?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Photo Weekend: Girls weekend in Cascade

This weekend I planned a photography weekend and it worked out to be the same weekend my mom wanted to do a girls weekend at the cabin.  This was going to be great, I could see if I could fill up one of the cards on my camera.

The weekend is suppose to be free of boys, kids and dogs.  Duke, my dog, is very attached to me (I call him my shadow) so I wondered how he was going to do all weekend without me.  Wayne, my husband, was begging me to ask mom if I could take the dog.  He did not feel confident with the dog and was worried that he would be wining all weekend.  I got to break the rules and take Duke along.

All three of us rode up together and started the weekend with dinner in Horseshoe Bend.  Duke did great waiting in the car while we ate.

The next day was a hike into two lakes, Hidden and Lost lake.  It was a beautiful hike and the dog did an amazing job, we did walk him hard enough to give him a blister that popped.

I tried very hard to fill a card but I just couldn't do it.  Next time I'll shoot for a whole week, maybe then I can accomplish my goal.

It was a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to do it again!

Friday, August 8, 2014

4: PRB- Shooting morning and evening

All photographers are taught there are times when its best to go out to take photos and times to avoid taking photos.  The times to be out and about are as the sun is coming up and going down.  I don't know about other people out there but I'm not always free in those time frames.  What with needing to be to my day job and cooking dinner for the husband, my mornings and evening are pretty full too.  There are better times and weathers to shoot in if you can't make it in the morning and evening.

Here are some guidelines I follow when photographing in the middle of the day:
Overcast days are your friend
Photograph subjects in the shade
Avoid noon (its just to much direct light, plus its really warm)
Use this time to work on sun flares
Experiment with whatever comes to mind

Monday, August 4, 2014

Posed vs. Candid

One of the things I enjoy the most is looking aback through old photos.  Photo albums and files on a computer can remind us of all the fun we've had as a family over many years.    I was looking through the family photos I had taken a couple years about of my family and was reminded of all the fun we had together.  I had forgot the silly faces and the goofing off that happened while on the shoot.  As a photographer I get to take my own family photos.  Which seams like a great thing but it takes us a long time to get through a session.  The biggest up side to me taking the photos is they are comfortable with me and relax in a short amount of time.

Most family photos are of the staged kind, everyone wants to show how pretty and put together their family is.  My favorite family photos are the candid ones, or the ones with the crazy faces.  Now these aren't pictures that tend to end up on the wall but you never know when you'll get a great idea out of one of those silly moves.  And the acting silly helps with getting to relaxed in front of the camera, which helps get rid of the deer in the headlights look.

I hope you've enjoyed my families fun.

Do you have candid photos of your family?  Share them in the comments, I look forward to seeing your pictures.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

3:PRB- Leave space in front of a moving subject

There goes a biker, a runner, or a train; the rules of photography say to make sure there is open space in front of that moving subject.  Which you do, so that there is space for the subject to “move” through the image.  So try putting that runner, biker, or train at the very front of the image and see what happens.  You can also do this with non moving subjects.  On those the rule is to allow the viewer to see where the subject is looking, try not giving that space as I've done.  

While you’re experimenting keep these things in mind:
            -Don’t cut off the front of the subject
            -Let part of a fast moving subject blur
            -Tip the horizon
            -Try anything once and check out the photos you've taken to see what worked

Be sure to check out 2:PRB, I'm sure you'll learn something.  And leave your photos breaking this rule in the comments.